Wednesday 3 September 2014

5 things I hate (to love) about Pop Music

As a 90's kid, i was raised with the radio always playing in the background so i grew up loving whatever the radio was playing. Not too long later, i realised that all the radio played was pop music and all the good stuff never got the chance to be aired. And if it did, the singer must have a huge support team around them with deep pockets and massive connections. Thats the reality that all musicians have to face breaking through the industry because money talks louder than passion. Which it shouldn't but it does.

Radio has in some ways been replaced by the internet and nothing has changed. Pop music has become this annoying unwanted parasite that is sucking the life out of what i will term as 'Good Music'. Good music to me is timeless music that has meaning, affects our lives in a very positive way and can be entertaining. Commercial music is just entertainment and has become more of a business than an artistic outlet. 

I have become a victim to this unwanted parasite over and over again. So you ask why i do i hate (to love) pop music? Here's why :

#1. Gets stuck in your head without you even wanting it to.  

Put your hands up if you have ever found yourself humming along to a pop song that has a catchy melody but you dont even understand what they are saying. Its not uncommon for people to fall into this trap, so dont worry, you aren't alone.

#2. Dies out faster than I can ran 100 metres.  

I might have exaggerated that a bit, but im sure you get what i mean. Its basic human nature to want satisfaction here and now, and that's exactly what pop music thrives on. Who remembers the biggest pop hit last year? Not me that's for sure.

#3. Makes a whole lot of money and the content is just bleugh.

Safe, simple and easy is what i will call it. Pop rarely strays away from its comfort zone, save for when it wants to make more money.

#4. The musicians think it's the only way for your music to be heard. 

Everyone wants to be a pop star. Many musicians want to use the easy way out becuase its more profitable and "successful". They dont want to put their back into it, write their own songs or even master their craft. No. They want to get involved with music labels and leave all their artistic flair to the labels discretion. Its no wonder numerous musicians cry about foul play from the record labels. What did they honestly expect? 

#5. We would rather listen to it than listen to good music. 

We love to listen to pop music because it feeds our need to get what we want without much hustle of listening or feeling anything. Three minutes and a half of pure pleasure for a few months than we are onto another pop hit, is what we like. Nope. It shouldn't be like this. Music should not be this shallow but unfortunately it is.

From a worried fan!
Happy Reading. 
Esther xx

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