Sunday 17 August 2014


Blessed Sunday Everybody!

Welcome to what will soon be your go-to blog for a good read and an entertaining day!
Let me introduce myself, I am Esther, a musician at heart and an enthusiast by choice. It doesn't take much to make me happy and it doesn't take much to make me sad. An introvert by nature, I seclude myself and live in my thoughts. Hey! I am not crazy... I do know the difference between fantasy and reality, but cant a girl just dream a little? I love my own company and this may come out as rude or like I dont care but I cant help it. I have always been like this and probably will always be. Im not a risk-taker, i think before i act, sometimes before i speak and rarely go out of my comfort zone. Noone's perfect. I love to plan, know how a good book ends, how my friends are doing and what the time is. It's who I have come to be and embracing this has helped me overcome hurdles and avoid some mistakes. Trying to avoid being a victim of nature, you know. 

Well, there I go rambling on and on about myself even before I begin, but I feel it's important for you to know who I am. I mean, you've taken a good 2 minutes (5 minutes tops, I think) to click on my link, wait for it to load and read this post for the first time. You deserve to know who you are making time for and why. 

Blogging has never really been my thing but lately I find myself wanting to clarify a few things (actually a lot!) about Music and other things. And since it's totally inconsiderate to try and hammer so much into one conversation when talking to people (when I actually do), the only other option is to write it down. Speak through words because its much easier that way and I get to avoid awkward glances because I can't seem to shut-up.

As you guessed by the title, this blog is about Music -  'All Things Music.' Lets face it, Music is everywhere thanks to all the technology we all have today. So why not talk about it? I wont bore you with technical terms and in-depth analysis' or even try to explain the difference between one instrument and the other: I will try to keep it fun and upbeat because that's what Music is meant to be. I will also share my experiences as I continue on this journey of self-discovery into the untamed waters of the Music realm because sharing is caring. . :) I will give my opinion and back them up with facts without being too cynical and overbearing.  And hopefully you will too share your views and your opinions. 'I am a student of the universe, and learning is a never-ending curve.'

So lets get started... - Unwind, Indulge and Escape with me! 

Happy Reading!
Esther. xx